Minnesota Company Formation - Corporations, LLCs and Partnerships

Choosing the right entity for your business is something that should be done carefully and with the assistance of a professional. The structure and type of entity you select will form the building blocks of your company and continue to impact many decisions you face throughout the entire life cycle of your business. 

Businesses in Minnesota can be operated as sole proprietorships, general partnerships, limited partnerships, corporations or limited liability companies. Many of the listed entities can also be further qualified through additional designations, and most can change their taxation status with certain required filings. With the amount of options available, a consultation with a business law attorney can help ensure you are choosing the proper entity for your business needs. 

Our firm offers competitively priced flat-fee formations. Below is a simple form to give our office an overview of what you are trying to accomplish with your business. Please fill out the information below and one of our attorneys will contact you.

Number of LLCs and Corporations formed in the Twin Cities

*Based on data from MN Secretary of State for 2014

Submitting information through this website does not create an attorney-client relationship. The above form is provided only for general contact information and should not be construed as an offer to provide legal services. The information entered above is not subject to attorney-client privilege.